I decided to make Aloo Gobi because my husband loves Indian food, and this is one of my favorites. However, I live in a lovely little area where I have not been able to find garam masala, and I didn't feel like making it from scratch because that would have required a trip to the store. So I went with just making it curry. So I am calling this Curry Aloo Gobi.
Medea, decided she "loves" curry as well. She doesn't, but she wanted to help cook. Here is Medea working on some onions.
So, Medea also inspired me to realize that the time is upon us to really make sure that I am doing right by the kids. We ran out of milk yesterday. Up until this point, we just had milk left in the house. So then I was faced with this huge dilemma. What do I do about the milk? I know it probably seems like the dumbest question a person ever asked. But I really didn't know what I was going to do. Anyway, I have decided that I am not going to buy any milk. This is a vegan house now.
Here is the finished product. Curry Aloo Gobi. Here is the recipe:
1 medium head of Cauliflower (cut into bite sized pieces). We just ripped it apart with our bare hands!
3 medium potatoes. We used Golden Yukon.
2 tsp olive oil
1 onion. We used a local green onion that was HUGE! and mild and delicious.
1 small bunch of cilantro
1 can organic diced tomatoes.
2 cloves of garlic minced.
1 inch of fresh ginger minced. TIP: take the back of the knife and run it over the ginger and the skin comes right off.
1/4 cup of water
2 tsp cumin (my addition)
2 tbsp curry powder
Saute the onion in the olive oil add the garlic. Add the cilantro and cumin. Add the diced tomatoes. Add the ginger, cauliflower, potatoes and everything else. Cook until the veggies are tender.

Here is Mae with a Kale Chip. I invited her to make Kale chips with me. She was like cool. We had a good time. Then I was like, "try this Kale Chip." She says, "Um I don't think so." I was like, "for me." So she tries the chip. She liked it! Then yesterday, I catch her running around the house just eating from the bag of Kale chips!
Kale Chip Recipe
1 bunch of dino kale (but regular kale will work) stems removed.
Then we ripped it up into bite sized pieces.
Put them in a bowl and drizzle olive oil and salt on them until they are coated. I think we used about 2 tsps of olive oil, but it may have been a bit more.
Then you bake them at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes until they are crispy. Make sure they are spread out and not touching on the pan even if you have to bake them in multiple batches.
Ok, so that is the Vegan Wellmans for today.
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