It is time to revive the Live, Eat, and Be Well blog. I know that my faithful followers have probably been disappointed that I feel off the blogosphere, but I'm back and I'm ready to ROCK this party!
So, as my Blog says, this is about my journey. As much as I hate to do it, I have to quote Miley Cyrus--"It ain't about what's waiting on the other side, it's the climb." So, in that spirit, I am sharing my journey with you. As those of you who know me know, this year has been challenging for me, so I quit writing my blog, but I figured out that we, as a community, work together to better our lives through sharing our journey. Thus, the blog is revived!

Reaching the summit isn't the goal...the goal is enjoying the climb!
I am starting my Ph.D program in January, and I think that it will give me a new wealth of material to discuss in this blog. I hope that by sharing my new insights that we can begin to learn together about how we can find the Mecca of happiness.
In this first, revived blog, I wanted to revisit something I talked about in my very first blog--being the ripe tomato. Being the ripe tomato means that we need to live our lives as an example for others. But something I figured out this year is that part of being the ripe tomato is not just sharing our successes but also sharing our mistakes so that we may learn and grow ourselves and learn and grow through the example set in both success and failure.
I know that I am growing and learning more about myself everyday. I often feel that I fall short of being the positive example that I strive to be for those in my life. But, I think that by sharing my experiences and perspective, I may be able to help you gain perspective on your life.
Ok, so no big didactic message in this first blog... just a revival.
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